About Us

We are a home church in the Kansas City area. We come from various Christian denominational backgrounds and are working toward unity through the study of the Scriptures and dependence on the Holy Spirit! We are very informal and promote a relaxed environment in our fellowship. While we do not reject those who meet in commercial buildings, we have found that the Home Church is the Biblical model and provides the best environment to nurture the Spiritual family that Jesus called us to be. Our emphasis is on Love—the kind of Love that Jesus commanded us to. We do not have paid clergy, so we do not expect any financial contributions. While the Scriptures instruct Elders to be the overseers in the Church, they are not called to dominate it. Rather, all are encouraged to share, teach, preach, prophesy, sing, etc…  Our meetings are open forum style where everyone can have their say. We usually meet at noon on Sunday and share a meal together. Then we gather to share in the Word together. We have no set times but rather we begin and end the meetings as the Spirit leads. As for our stands on major doctrines: we believe one must accept the New Covenant for salvation:

“…this is His command: To Believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to Love one another as He commanded us.” 1 John 3:6

Salvation comes through believing in and confessing Jesus Christ and by committing to His Command to Love others as He has Loved us. Salvation is then brought to fruition through the sanctifying work of His Spirit:

“…but we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.”2 Thes 2:13

This is all one needs to obtain salvation and admission into the Body of Christ. After Salvation, one must seek to know God and understand His Truths as expressed in the Scriptures and in one’s hearts through the Holy Spirit.

This website contains a compilation of writings from several members of our Church, and was created primarily to provide Biblical information and encourage after meeting discussion. While some members may not fully agree with all that is expressed in every post, the posts provide samples of some of our member’s beliefs, thoughts and concerns. All members of our body are encouraged to contribute articles to the site, ask question and or comment on any content. However, if you are not a member, we also invite you to commune with us through our posts. Also, if you live in the Kansas City and are interested in our home fellowship, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!